LGS Innovations

LGS Innovations specializes in researching, developing, and deploying products, services, and network solutions to the US Department of Defense,...
Herndon, VA
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Provider Overview

LGS Innovations specializes in researching, developing, and deploying products, services, and network solutions to the US Department of Defense, Civilian Agencies, and Advanced Program communities. In doing so, the provider is able to meet a number of different needs including, network architecture and operations, broadband and wireless networking solutions, systems engineering, professional consulting services, and telecommunications products. Aside from this, the provider also offers cloud solutions, healthcare technology solutions, network video solutions, and more. The company also utilizes “Green Networking,” which is composed of various energy efficient networking solutions. LGS has an online shop that makes purchasing easier; however, a customer account (with username and password) is necessary.  LGS can be contacted via phone or through their website.

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